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December 29, 2018 We have been able to keep the range driveway plowed out and thanks to the recent warmer weather there is minimal snow on the range. Please be careful of the ice in the driveway and on the range. We are doing our best to keep backers up and appreciate everyone removing their old targets and not shooting them with shotguns.  Please take all your own personal targets, backers and garbage home with you. This helps us keep the range clean and save money on garbage removal.  We recently ordered a computer simulator shooting system, which will consist of 2- CO2 blowback pistols, a computer a high-speed camera and all the software to run it. As soon as it gets in and we get it setup we plan to hold some indoor simulator shoots. We still have plenty of work ahead of us to get this system up and running, but as soon as we are ready we will email everyone that we have emails for and let them know of the dates and time we plan to hold the indoor shoots. If you have not provided us with your email address please send it to us at along with your name and phone number, so we can update our database and contact you. The only way we contact members is through e-mail, so it is important that we get your information, so we can stay in touch. We hope you have enjoyed the upgrades to the range and appreciate any input for range improvements. Once again this range is for current members only No Guest Allowed.

November 13th, 2018 Winter is upon us and we are going to do our best to keep the range open for all members to use. The plan is to keep the driveway plowed and a path snow blown to the 25, 50 and 100 yard line. We would like to thank all those whom gave us donations when renewing and/or left donations in the box on the side of the office building. It is because of these donations and membership renewals we have been able to fit up the range making it a cleaner and safer facility. We would also like to thank James Donah for donating and installing a new door on our office building. We ask that if you take cardboard targets to the range please take them home with you, so that we can keep the place cleaned up and not have to pay for garbage removal. Any suggestions for upgrades or anyone wishing to help around the range please email us at  
October 15, 2018 We would like to thank all of our members for their membership dues and hope they appreciate the improvements being done at the range.
A lot of time and effort was put into the club this year. This year we were able to install Steel uprights and gongs at the 150, 200 and 300yard line. Remove all the brush along the roadside and the parking lot. Paint the front of the range building including the Siberian Rod & Gun Club Sign. Install a street number sign on the post by the road. Install LED lights on the front of the range building hooked up to a photoswitch. Replace all the Florescent lights inside the range building with LED ones. Build a wall inside the range building, so that we can heat and use the front of the range building in the winter. Replaced half of the roof screws with new ones to stop the leaking. Clean up and organized the back of the range building.  
We still have plans to build the pistol range on the other side of the range building, but this was put on hold until we can get the proper amount of fill to make the berm. Replacing the remainder of the screws will be done as soon as we can get to it. We ask that members respect the improvements we have made over the past few years and help keep the place cleaned up. If you bring your own targets in make sure you take them home. Do not shoot the steel uprights on purpose and do not try to shoot the gongs off their frames on purpose. I you are caught shooting these on purpose you will be ban from the club and held responsible for replacement cost. Please keep in mind we only allow members to use this range non members and guest are not allowed. We keep our membership fees as low as possible to accommodate everyone. If you are caught sneaking on a non member you and your guest will be removed.
The pistol shoot was a great success we spent $600 at the beginning of the year and we were able to recoup the cost plus over $100 profit from the events. Our plan is to buy some more steel for next year and try to grow the shoot. We would like to thank everyone that participated.
We are looking into purchasing a Smokeless Range System that would allow us to continue our shoots indoors during the winter. This system is a computer system that allows use to create different shooting events and scenarios and uses a laser/CO2 blowback weapon. We will keep you posted on this once we have made a decision as to what we buy.
If you have any questions, concerns or thought of improvements please feel free to email us at

August 9th 2018   Reminder to everyone whom we mailed your photo ID and Proximity card out to. If you lose your “white” Proximity Card you will have to purchase a new one $10, so please make sure you maintain this card to prevent yourself added cost.  We spent $600 on steel for the Pistol Shoots and to date we have recouped $486 from the 50/50 mainly due to most of the winners donating back their winnings. We plan to use the money we have recouped to purchase more steel plates next year. Once we get the pistol side done we will leave out some of the steel plates on the pistol side for pistol use only.
We have increased our overall membership since January and hope to continue to grow. This allows us to make some much needed improvements to the range. We had 4 loads of sand delivered to get started with the berm for the pistol range. We plan to start building the berm starting the week of August 20 and looking for volunteers to help. If you are interested in helping please send us an email to and we will contact you once we firm up the plans. We are also looking for any volunteers to help us keep up with range maintenance specifically Weed whacking from the 200 yard line to the 300 yard line. Anyone interested in weed whacking can come up on their own time and do it. Just make sure others that may show up know you are down range you can use the Down Range Sign to do this.
We have started the HR2.18 classes this month, therefore the range will be closed every Saturday in August from 8:00am – 12:00am.   
We now have 4 steel gongs up 2 at 200 yards and 2 at 150 yards. We plan to install a steel frame out at 300 yards and hang some steel gongs from it in the near future. We thank everyone for being respectful and not abusing these plates. Just a friendly reminder if you are found purposely destroying any club property you will be removed from the range permanently.
If you have any suggestions or are willing to help out at the range please email us at
Annual Meeting July 14th at 5:00pm
We will be holding a turkey shoot for members prior to the meeting from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Bring your own weapons and ammo if you have it, if not you are welcome to borrow ours. We will be providing hamburgers and hot-dogs for all members.

June 8th 2018   We have installed two new steel target frames for steel gongs at 150 and 200 yards. We put out just 3 gongs to see how things go. We ask that you are respectful and not try to destroy the new frames and gongs. No armor piercing ammo or 50 BMG are allowed to be used on the gongs. If caught destroying these new targets you will be held responsible for reimbursing us for replacements or removed from the range. We plan to install another steel frame out at 300 yards for gongs in the near future. We would love to get the pistol range started, but we are in need of someone that can haul some sand for the burm for us. Please contact us if you can help with this. The pistol shoot is going strong and we have had a great time shooting the new steel targets we made for these events. All members are welcome to join us for these shoots. They are held every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. There is a $10 entry fee that enters you into a 50/50 and you will need at least 100 rounds. We hope you all appreciate the improvements of the range and the better upkeep. Please help us maintain the the up keep and pick up your old targets and garbage before you leave.

June 8th 2018   We have had a good start to the season. We have had 3 Pistol Shoots in which we were able to recoup some of the money we invested into the steel targets. We hope with warmer weather upon us the participation at these events will continue to grow. We built 4 new shooting benches and 1 new pistol table. Currently we have put out 2 of the new shooting tables and plan to put the remainder out soon. We hired out the lawn maintenance and the lawns will be mowed regularly now once a week. Our next project is to pour cement around the range office to give us safer access to the office. We would like to start the installation of the berm for the pistol shooting side and are looking for volunteers to help. We also need several loads of clean fill and sand to use to construct the berm. If you have access to either or have a dump truck to deliver it we would appreciate you contacting us at There have been several improvements to the range over the past year and there are plenty more to come. Install backers at 150, 200, 250 and 300 yards. Put up steel plates on the rifle side and the pistol side once we get the pistol berm up. Help is limited, so these improvements will come in time. We thank you for your membership and hope you appreciate the improvements. Please help us keep our range picked up brass and remove your targets once you are done shooting. Also shotguns are allowed on the range, but please do not shoot the clubs backers with them they destroy the backers. Anyone caught intentionally shooting the steel uprights will be permanently removed from the club.

April 19th 2018   The weather has not cooperated with us for the pistol shoots thus far, but we are hopeful our next event on May 1st will be get everyone here. We have invested $500 into steel gongs specifically for the pistol shoots. We still need to build the portable frames for the gongs before we can us them. As soon as we can we will get them incorporate in the pistol shoots. Last week Jake and Kris Mullady build a nice frame that we can use to hang golf/tennis balls from. This alone is a fun target to shot at. If we can get members to show interest in this event and the weather cooperates we plan to invest some additional money into it. We look forward to seeing you on May 1st.   

April 3rd 2018   There have been some changes to our membership dues. To keep up with improvements and to provide a better range and shooting experience we have made the decision to raise the membership fees 25% and offer a 3-year membership that will provide a 10% savings. These changes will take effect immediately we will no longer offer a 5-Year membership for new members or renewals. These changes are needed to help us to continue to improve the range. Plans for this year include:
- New shooting benches on the rifle range.
- Steel uprights at 150, 200, 250 and 300 yards.
- Installation of steel gongs on the rifle range
- Construction of a Pistol Range on the west side of the range, which will include steel uprights with backers and steel gongs.
- Pour concrete in front of the range office to provide safer access to the office
- Install more cameras for security. 
These are all dependent on money, time and help.
We appreciate all of the members and hope everyone can see the progress we have made in the last few years and see the need for this small increase in dues.
If anyone is having issued with the new proximity card and electronic locking gate please email us with these issues, so we can resolve them. If you are caught on club property and are not a member you will be arrested. ABSOLUTELY NO GUEST ALLOWED. If you are not a member and would like to use the range use our online application process to join. If you are a current member and have any issues please email us

March 8th 2018   Well it’s been a long winter and the warmer weather in nearly here. This is the first year we were able to keep the range plowed out the entire year thanks to Stephan Tousignant. We would like to thank Stephan for all his time and effort this winter. We would also like to thank all those members whom graciously provided us with donations. As a non-profit club these extra donations of time and money help us provide a better range experience to all our members.
As a reminder to current members whom have not yet received your Photo ID and Proximity card it is because we are missing some of your information. For most it is your photo which we need to create your photo ID and our database. For others we are missing your address. To prevent any inconvenience to those that have not received your cards we urge you to go to and complete/submit the application and then email us your photo (selfie) to . Without this information we are unable to complete your membership and you will not receive your cards. If we have your current email address you have receive several emails previously requesting this information.

Know that we have the new security camera system, electronic gate lock and database in place. We are able to provide a better /safer experience to all members. If you provided us your email address going forward when your membership expires you will be notified via email of your expiration. We no longer accept paper mail in applications. All memberships and payments are done online We accept paypal or credit cards there is an instructions tab you can use if you need assistance with this process.

Keep your proximity card it will be reused when you renew your membership. The proximity card is like an electronic key when your membership expires if will be deactivated. Once you renew we reactivate it via software and you continue to reuse it. If you lose your proximity card there will be a $10 fee for a new one. Do not bend the proximity card and keep them away from your cell phone, ESD and any type of magnet, which will cause them to fail.
As a reminder we DO NOT ALLOW GUEST. We keep out membership as low as possible to allow everyone the ability to join. Any Non-Member found on the club will be arrested for trespassing and if they are with a member their membership will be suspended. All areas of the club are under video surveillance.

Coming this Spring:
To improve the range we once again plan to hang several steel gongs. In the past when we did this people decided to see how quickly they could destroy them. We were a bit hesitant to hang them again, but now with the new video surveillance system and electronic gate we can determine who the offenders are and revoke their membership. We prefer not to remove anyone from the range, so we ask that you use common sense when shooting the gongs and don’t destroy them.
We would like to continue with installing a separate pistol range on the other side of the range building. First we have to install a dirt berm and then install the steal uprights and wooden backers. In addition to the completion of this new pistol range we plan to hang several steal gongs.
With the available time and money would like to add steal uprights and wooden backers at the 150, 200, 250, and 300 yard line.

Starting in April we are going to start shooting an organized Pistol shooting match on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:00-7:00pm. The range will be shut down at this time for the event. All event shooters must be a current member of the club. There is a $10 entry fee that will also put you in for a 50/50 drawing that will be drawn at the end of the event and you must be present to collect the winnings. This will allow all shooters an equal opportunity to win the prize and stay to help clean up at the end. This is a new venture and we are looking for anyone interested in joining us. We are also looking for some ideas as to what we are going to do. If interested please email us at put Pistol Shoot in the Subject line.

All levels of shooter are welcome to join the event. It is meant to get members to use the range more, improve their skills and have a good time. What is being considered for shoots are:
Random bowling pin distance challenge: Set up pin at random distances see how many you can get.
 Bull’s eye competition shoot: at a bull’s eye target from different distances for best face value score.
 Bowling pin speed race: Set up 5 pins load 6 rounds see how many you can get in the quickest time.
We would greatly appreciate and additional ideas and most of all your participation. Remember you don’t have to be a sharp shooter this is for fun.

January 9th 2018   We are looking to see if any members have an interest in putting together some type of organized shooting meets starting in the spring of 2018 for Pistol, Rifle and Shotgun. If there is enough interest we would like to do some type of shoot once or twice a week and have a mandatory 50/50 raffle as the entry fee that would be drawn at the end of the shoot. To win the raffle you must be present during the drawing. This would make it fair to all skill levels. What we are looking for:
Someone to take ownership of helping with the shoots
Ideas for courses
Shooters that would be interested in taking part in this type of shoot
If interested please contact us via email

December 23rd 2017     We are looking for any volunteers that would be willing to help plow the driveway during the winter months. This would allow the better access to the range during the winter and keep out cost down. We don't need it plowed daily, but just enough periodically to keep it open. If you are willing please e-mail us at Also as a reminder if you have not received both your Plastic Photo Id Range Card and Proximity card by now then that means we are missing your photo and/or your your mailing address. Please e-mail us the following: Your photo, name, phone number, and mailing address. Happy Holidays

November 15th 2017     To clarify the access to our range after 01/01/2018. There are 2 cards you will have for the range an Photo ID and a Proximity Card. The Photo ID card is the one that has your photo and your expiration date on it. This is to be worn or visible at all while on the range. The second card is your Proximity card. This card acts like an electronic key to gain you access to the range. This card will only be mailed out once and if your membership expires it will no longer provide you access to the range. When you renew we will up date our data base with your new expiration and you will continue to use the same proximity card you were originally issued. Once you renew we will only mail out a new Photo ID card that will show your new expiration date. The proximity system is currently not active the gate is only closed with a level you can lift. After 01/01/2018 to gain access to the range you will have to use the proximity card. To do so you just have to wave the proximity card near the gray box by the gate and it will unlock the gate. We ask that even if there is another member here or there are more than one in your party that you all use the proximity card the first time you come in that day. We ask that you close the gate behind you once you have entered and especially when you are leaving. 

     We have our proximity system data base is nearly completed and we will finish mailing out the remaining cards by the end of next week. If you do not have your proximity card by December 8th, 2017 then we are missing some of your information in order to send it. For most of you that won't receive one we are missing your photo and a few we are missing your mailing address. For those whom have provided us with an email address we have already emailed you to inform you. Most of you are just missing a photo, so once again please take a selfie and email it to For those that did not provide an email address we are either missing your photo or mailing address. We would greatly appreciate that you provide us with your email address and use the electronic application / paypal for future renewals and new memberships.
     Our security camera system have been online now for going on 3 months. They have dramatically reduced the majority of range abuse This is all of us members range and we ask that any of you help police the range and report any issues to us by email. We will keep you posted on our progress. 

November 9th, 2017     We are in the process of mailing out proximity cards for the new electronic proximity gate to all our members whom have submitted a photo or already have their Photo ID. We are trying our best to avoid any inconvenience to any member, so we urge those members whom have not submitted a photo to do so ASAP. All that is required is to take a picture of yourself and e-mail it to
     Due to all the work for the club being voluntary. We are transitioning over to a friendlier computer based membership process. To cut down on cost you will no longer be mailed a renewal notice. It is imperative that you provide us with your e-mail address. In the future we plan to setup a email process that will send out renewal e-mails informing members of their membership status. These changes will aid us in cost savings and allow us to continue upgrading the range. We have already purchased 15 new steel plates that we plan to install this coming spring.
     We need all members to refrain from shooting the new steel uprights for the backers. If you observe someone intentionally shouting them we ask that you report it. The new steel uprights were a $2,500 investment and there are already 3 holes through them that were done intentionally. If someone is caught shouting these upright intentionally that member will be removed from the range permanently.
     Again if you do not have a PHOTO ID then you need to submit a photo or you will not receive a proximity card to unlock the gate and gain access to the range. We plan to activate the new electronic proximity gate on January 1, 2018.

September 20th, 2017    We are proud to inform you that the installation of our new steel upright and backers has been completed for the 25, 50 and 100 yard line. The addition of these is a great improvement to your range and all members. These new uprights will allow us to better maintain the target backers and keep them in a usable condition. We have a lot of time and money invested into these new uprights, therefore we want to inform you it is strictly forbidden to shoot the steel uprights. Anyone caught purposely shooting the steel uprights will be removed from the range permanently. We also would like to remind all members that shotguns are not to be used on any of the uprights with backers. We are planning to install a upright specifically for shotguns to the right of the 25 yard upright.  The shotgun upright will not have a backer, but instead clips that will allow you to clip/hang your paper targets. We are waiting on the security company to finish the last step of the proximity card lock. We hope to have this completed as soon as possible. If you do not have your plastic photo range card please e-mail us a photo of yourself to this will allow us to mail out your proximity card once the proximity card lock is completely installed.  NO PHOTO ID NO PROXIMITY CARD, so please verify you have the plastic photo id card to prevent yourself any inconveniences. 

September 9th, 2017 Smile your on camera     Video has been rolling for the past month and is allowing us to better control members only.  The electronic lock has been installed on the gate. We are not going to activate the lock until we have mailed out the proximity cards. We will be mailing out all the proximity cards over the next few weeks ONLY to members whom have provided us with a photo and currently have their PHOTO RANGE CARD.  If you don’t have your Photo Range Card, which is a hard plastic id card that has your photo on it, you will not be mailed a proximity card. We must have you photo for the new security system. If you do not have a photo range card please e-mail us a photo of your face and we will mail everything to you. The other option is to have your photo taken at the range by one of the range officers. We do apologize for any inconvenience, but we are confident that these changes will allow us to provide a better environment in the future to all members. If you have been to the range over the past week you will have noticed the widening of the range.  This is where we plan to install our new shotgun range. This will provide all members whom wish to pattern shotgun, a place to shoot. Over the next few weeks we are hoping to have some new backers installed with steel uprights and wooden backers. This year we are only planning to install them at the 25, 50 and 100 yard line. We are also planning on making a metal upright with a cable going across that would allow you to hang a paper target for patterning shotguns. The upgrade of these new steel uprights will allow us to better maintain the wooden backers and give the shotgun shooters a place to shoot. We would like to remind all members at no time should a shotgun be used on the wooden backers. Either bring your own target or use the new shotgun uprights once installed.

August 28th, 2017 We have added a "Comments Page" as a sub page under the "News Page". This will allow members the ability to share their feedback. We have also created our own Forum. Check out the new Forum Tab.

August 22nd, 2017 New Range Surveillance System has been installed giving the ability to remote monitor activity at the range. In the next few weeks we will have the electronic locking gate complete. We will then mail out the proximity cards that will allow you to open the gate to those whom have there SRGC photo ID. If you don't have a SRGC photo ID please e-mail us a picture of yourself. Use the contact tab on our website to e-mail us your picture. We will then mail you out your SRGC Photo ID. As a friendly reminder you must be a member in order to use the range guest are not allowed. If a non-member is found on the range it is considered TRESPASSING and the authorities will be notified. The use of shotguns on our backers are strictly forbidden. We are hopeful the new surveillance system will allow us to make improvements to the range that all members will be able to enjoy.  

July 10th, 2017 The PPC Match has been cancelled and the range is re opened for normal use. 

July 9th, 2017  There will be a PPC match on July 13th from 10:30AM thru 1:30 PM.  All are welcome to attend.  The Range will be closed tgust o regular members for shooting for the duration of the match.  Additional news - We are looking for volunteers to help with the work on the Pistol Range.  If your interested please use the contact page on the site, I will get back to you as soon as possible.  Members who in the last week who have paid for ID's thru the web site, the office is almost done and the computer is off site so once to twice a week I will be stopping in to make ID's. So I haven't forgotten you, the next batch will be out by Wednesday this week. Thank you for your patients. 

May 2nd, 2017 Over the next few months we will be working on replacing all the backers, start construction on the pistol range, upgrade the security cameras and install a proximity gate lock. All volunteers are welcome to help. 

April 27th, 2017 Range Maintenance is done by members that volunteer their time. Therefore it is your responsibility to pick up after yourself. This includes all of your empty brass and personal backers. Please use caution not to shoot the uprights of the backers.  It takes a lot more time/effort and money to replace them. Do not shoot the backers with any type of shotgun. If you want to shoot a target with a shotgun you must provide your own target and backer. If you are caught shooting masonry blocks you will be removed from the range. 

April 5th 2017 The first monthly meeting of the year was held last night at the old Dannemora school. We discussed the status of the upcoming projects for this year.
     - Range Office: The range office is near completion all that is needed is to have a finished floor installed. After the floor is installed we will be ready to move in and setup the office for taking photos/IDs.
     - Concrete: Pour a concrete pad for both the entrance of the Range Office and the storage area inside the Range building. The slab for the Range Office entrance will make it safer for all to get in and out. The pad in the Range build storage area will give us more room for storage.
     - Clean out both the inside and outside of the Range Building.
     - Install new back stops for the 25, 50, 100, 150 and 200 yards. 
     - Start Construction on a new Pistol Range. 
     Day Passes: We discussed them again and it was agreed that there will be NO DAY PASSES issued. The yearly range fees are cheap, so if you want to use the range and bring a friend, they must become a member. 
     Pistol Permit School: The range will be used to hold pistol permit classes. This is a new class that will be required to get a new pistol permit in Clinton County.
     Annual Meeting: Is scheduled to be June 17th, 2017. More information will be posted as we get closer to the date.   
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